I hate to see summer go, but I really like the idea of fall. Change is in the air and I am in love. Amber started school 2 weeks ago which means more for me to do around here. A day spent relaxing, absorbing the cool air and the sunshine, and some quality time hanging out at the laundromat.
When the laundry was done and the house was clean I took Luna for a long walk. We stopped in the park to run around with Luna's twin, Lola. Shes a rambunctious little brindle boxer too. I have yet to get a portrait of them together. They just won't stop running.
I am slowly gathering ideas for photo projects. I have a couple written down in my sketch book, I just have to make a post with all of them on as soon as there is a more substantial list. Feel free to leave a comment or brainstorm over an idea or concept, it doesn't specifically have to be an idea for a photo, it could be anything. I'll figure out the rest.
The whole point of this blog is to get me back into taking pictures. I graduated well over a year ago and I left behind a lot of things, but I'm not giving up photography. I have a voucher for 10 hours in a darkroom. That means there will be some awesome black and white pictures in my near future.
Leave a comment or favorite quote and maybe I'll match a picture up to it.
High Five.